Friday, July 9, 2010


The Ladies Phebe Potluck Picnic for 2010 was held at Sarah Morrison's house. (Thanks, Sarah)
 We had such a good time. 

The theme for the fellowship was cherries.

The decorations were from "Mary Englebreit" cherry designed plates, napkins, treat bags, center pieces and place mats which did not get put out (oops)!

The number was good (considering several were missing in action)  : (

The food was the best ever!

The testimonies from the ladies on the Christian Life is a ......... (what ever good word they wanted to use to  describe it)

The secret sister revealing was sweet!
The fellowship was superb!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


A "TWEET" Fellowship! That is what our March Ladies' Fellowship is going to be about. I am not going to give away everything that is going to happen, you have to come to see for yourself. However, here are a few hints: cheerful, warm, springy, tasty, colorful, bright, inspiring, informative, fun and funny, etc. etc. The best hint I can give, though, as far as the theme, is to, look up! That has been the theme for Tabernacle Baptisst Church this year (2010): "Looking Unto Jesus", and so it is for this Ladies' Fellowship.

The meeting will be Thursday, March 18, at 7:00 p.m. in the church fellowship hall.

A nursery will be provided.

Make plans to be there. You will be so glad you did, you will be "chirping" about it to everyone!


Monday, January 11, 2010

2010 - Here we come!!!!!

January Meeting

JANUARY 21 - So Cozy Tea Fellowship You will be allowed to have hot chocolate if you just attend! DON'T MISS IT.